What DaZ means

DaZ is an abbreviation for "German as a second language." DaZ are special lessons where foreign children learn concentrated to speak, read and write German.
The goal is that foreign children can participate in normal German classes as quickly as possible. Given these children learn first in their own DaZ-groups. Once they speak better German, they are increasingly taking part in normal lessons with other German children.

Stage 1 (1 – 3 months)
In this stage, the linguistic basis for participation in the normal classes are placed. Classes are held in so-called "preparatory classes". In these preparatory classes speaking, reading and writing in German are the most important things. Teachers consult with parents and children, how to proceed after this time.
Assessments are only orally at this stage. There are no grades.

Stage 2 (6 – 30 months)
To participate in regular classes is very difficult at the beginning. Therefore, the German beginners make a few subjects with the German children together (sport, swimming, music...). Some learn faster than others, so it is decided individually for each child. The aim of stage 2 is to express yourself orally and in writing in an advanced way. Remember: This stage can last up to two and a half years!
Assessments are only orally at this stage. There are no grades.

Level 3 (no time)
In this stage, the children can have very good German. Additional German lessons they receive only when needed. In this step, the use of the speech is further improved. Warning: This may take a lifetime!
Assessments are orally and in writing at this stage. Smaller linguistic errors will be considered in grading.

Vorbereitungsklassen – SMK-Blog

Herausgeber: Sächsisches Kultusministerium

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